time: 2019 may
venue: 上環文娛中心演講廳
Since 1987
深圳灣藝穗節2018 fringe festival 2018
time: 2018 dec
venue: fringe main stage
Infinite 8 + 非典型默劇x古典音樂
time: 2018 aug
venue: magic circle
The Death of fun 樂於嚇人
time: 2017 oct
venue: fringe underground theatre
director: peta lily
全日禁區 RE
time: 2017 sep
venue: fringe upstairs
director: gaffer tsui, michael wong
1/5000 Roses
time: 2017 april
venue: fringe upstairs
director: owen lee
Sisterhood, day by day
time: 2016 april
venue: fringe underground
director: danny suen, gaffer tsui
Shall we mime 三人四Joke
time: 2015 april
venue: fringe upstairs
director: danny suen, owen lee and philip fok
UNO.Fantasia 一次性幻想
2015 january
venue: fringe upstairs
(dan.mime) owen Lee
(once.Beauty) connie leung, stephanie tse (city.Illusions) gaffer tsui
(the sigh of choplin) danny suen
Unknown 女男女 不知所謂
time: 2014 august
director: gaffer tsui
Flower fading and born 花開花落
2013 august
director: gaffer Tsui
傻姑娘與怪老樹 The silly little girl and the funny old tree
2012 december (guangzhou) / 2012 october hong kong)
director: kim dae gun
愛在夢中遺忘時 Demolition
2011 october
director: danny suen
何去何從 Where am I going
2010 october
director: gaffer tsui
稻草人 Scarecrow
2009 sept
director: danny suen
細說情愛:林黛玉vs朱麗葉 A Dialogue on Love: Lin Dai Yu vs Juliet Capulet (Seoul Fringe Fes)
2009 august
director: owen lee
再試無妨 Why Not 1.0
2010 january
一試無妨、夢螫 Why Not 、 The Flashings (TaiPei Fringe Fes)
2009 august
一試無妨 Why Not (Cheonchun Mime Fes)
2009 may
一試無妨 Why Not ( Macau Fringe Fes)
2009 april
一試無妨、夢螫 Why Not 、The Flashings
2009 april
花木蘭 Mu Lan
2008 august
愚公移山 Once Upon a Time
2007 october
抱抱 Hug Hug
2006 april
冬 Winter
2005 november
一雞兩味 A feast in two Acts
2004 may
美麗人生─超值試做版 Beautiful Life - More than just tips
2004 nov
發你個夢 You've got a dream
2003 july
點心 A piece of Heart
2002 july
再發花癲 Eccentric Once More
2001 october
發花癲 Flirtatious
2000 march
王子十一月復仇記 Hamlet or Die
2000 november
西遊記 Journey to the West
1999 january
花之仙子 Spirit of Spring
1996 january
香港餅店 Hong Kong Cake Shop
1996 june, sept-dec
陰平陽秘 之 逍遙遊 Balance of Yin Yang - The Journey of Enlightment
1995 april
1994 april, nov
瘟疫 You Can Either Struggle or Die Off
1994 september
夢行 Mind Work
1993 january
默曙螢流 Blow Up
1992 july
Mime in Progress
1992 nov
鬼話連篇 Hauntlooween
1989 january
東西 E Meets W
1989 july
大約在冬季 Probably in Winter
1988 december